Gambling Cause And Effect Essay

Cause and Effect Essay Example. Effects of Video Game Addiction. Video game addition is a serious problem in many parts of the world today and deserves more attention. It is no secret that children and adults in many countries throughout the world, including Japan, China, and the United States, play video games every day. Our Free List of Cause and Effect Essay Ideas. Without further ado, here is our list of 100% original cause and effect essay topics, updated for 2020. Pick a topic for cause and effect essay and start writing right now! Social Media/Internet Cause and Effect Topics. Need some excellent social media/internet cause and effect topics? Cause and effect essay definition states that such an essay serves to illustrate why certain things occur or situations arise. It also examines the consequences of those events, actions or phenomena. School students and college students equally struggle with writing correctly structured essays that depict precise and factual information.

It is an activity in which people put their money or anything valuable on stake for a monetary result or any other valuable material.

People consider that they will win so they decide to put their money and play the game. In gambling people either gain money or lose everything they have put on stake.

But losing or gaining is all about chance and how one knows about the game. In some places gambling is legal while in other it is considered illegal.

Gambling can be done in many ways. Some of them are dice games, poker game, bingo, lottery tickets, internet gambling, assumption of stock market etc.

Reasons why people prefer gambling

People do gambling for various reasons. Some prefer gambling for money, passing time or for socializing with others.

They have their own reasons for choosing this activity. But whoever plays gambling must know that their money and other valuable items are at risk.

It all depends on their chance, luck and the manner to play the game. But if the person loses in gambling, whatever they had put on stake will be gone forever.

They will lose all their money. They will not get back what they had put on stake. Some of them do gambling for good purposes like fund charities and help in health care.

Religious light on gambling

Before the existence of different types of religion, gambling was at its peak.

Everyone was involved in gambling. It did not matter who is rich or poor.

According to their sources and means all of them took part in gambling. But things had changed after the different religions came to light.

For example: Islam strictly condemned gambling. It taught the people the bad side of gambling.

It is mentioned in Quran that one will not prosper if engaged in gambling.

People will suffer because of gambling. There will be conflicts, decline in economy, family will start to separate and many other problems.

Islam teaches its believers that one should not take anything without working hard for it and earning it.

This means that if this does not happen, the thing which is received without any hard work, it will hold no value. Even Bible teaches the same in a different way.

In one of the Ten Commandments, it says that “you shall not covet”. This commandment means that we should not wish for what we do not have; neither should we steal from someone else. Coveting will just make us evil.

We should be happy with what we have. In gambling people earn money easily. They do not have to work hard. This shows that they love money and they can do anything to get money.

The Bible also says that love of money is the root cause of all evil. But in some of the religions, gambling is a ritual. For example: During the festival of Diwali people are involved in gambling because it has religious significance.

Problems caused by gambling

Betting has various impacts on families and other relationships. Parents, children, siblings and partners all of them get affected because of gambling.

Something due to this effect there may be problems and violence. People who gamble are always busy in gambling. They are mostly concerned only for themselves.

They remain confused most of the time or are in anxiety. They spend less time with the family.

They do not communicate anymore properly like before. Due to this the family members feel they are being ignored.

This further result in other serious conflicts and problems. The children of the gamblers also slowly start adapting gambling.

It is a risk for the children because seeing their elder involved in gambling, even they will get addicted to it.

Most importantly there will be a major financial problem because the member of the family who is engaged in gambling is wasting the money in gambling. It will be a waste if they lose the money. Instead that money could be used for a good purpose.

Youth are the future of tomorrow. So, they should not be engaged in any activity which will harm their future. But at the present day gambling and youth have a very mutual relation.

These days they are involved a lot in gambling. It is very common among the youth. They are involved in gambling through card games, betting, online betting, lottery tickets and many other computer games.

In the starting parents will not see this as a problem or hindrance to the child’s future. But slowly their children become so involved in all these and then there is a change in their behavior.

It is only then they become addicted to gambling and the parents are more concerned about their child. They become worried that if this does not stop their child’s life will be spoilt.

This is the reason why the children should not be exposed to any sort of gambling. If they are kept away from gambling from before itself, later on it will not be a problem.

But this does not mean adults are not engaged in gambling. Even adults are involved in gambling. But they can be brought in line.

It is difficult to bring the children in line once they get addicted to bad things. So, the parents should always know what their child is doing.

This will help later on and the child will always be on the right even he grows into an adult.

Gambling through the eyes of Bollywood

Even though there are many problems associated with gambling, some people still prefer gambling and earn money.

Bollywood movies are the most common medium through which more people are getting themselves involved in gambling.

One of the most famous movie is Jannat directed by Kunal Deshmukh. In this movie Emraan Hashmi is addicted in crime activities.

He is involved in match fixing and then falls in love with his co-actor. In order to impress her and to get a better world, he earns money by card games and match mixing.

But his better world exists only for some time. Ultimately his happiness comes to an end.

The other top movie which is about gambling, casino is 36 China Town. The movie shows about the paradise of gambling.

Gambling becomes a big addiction for the actors in the movie due to which there is a murder and in the last they lose all the money.

This teaches us that if we gain something without working hard for it, that achievement will stay in our life only for some time. After that we are the ones who have to suffer.

Difference between gambling and betting

People often confuse about gambling and betting. Gambling and betting are similar. In fact, betting is a type of gambling.

The difference between the two is that in gambling the person who is putting his money on stake does not have any basis or idea what will be the result.

But in betting, people at least have an idea and they predict about the result of the game.

Gambling is more risky than betting because in gambling the person is putting all their money on stake. But this does not happen in betting. Betting is less risky.

Freedom from the addiction of gambling

Gambling Cause And Effect Essay

Addiction of anything is not good; whether it is coffee, tea, any particular food, television shows, movies or games.

Addiction of anything ultimately creates problems in life. But it is necessary to get over the addiction. One very common addiction is gambling.

People do not have any idea what addiction to gambling will do to them later. Everyone wants to earn money and if there is an easy way to earn lots of money, they will obviously choose that.

But people should understand that easy method will give you happiness only for a shorter period of time.

So, it is necessary to work hard and earn money. Overcoming from the addiction of gambling is not at all easy. If a person who is addicted to gambling wants to get freed from this activity, they must know that they are having problems due to this.

After this they will be able to improve. In the starting it will be a little problem but as there is progress in the person, things will start to become better in the person’s life.

When they progress, people should appreciate their efforts to improve. This will make them confident and encourage them to work more towards improvement.

They should engage themselves in other activities so that they do not have even time to think about gambling.

They should not feel shy to ask support from others. Ultimately, the person has to help oneself to overcome this addiction.

Gambling Cause And Effect Essay Outline

He should believe in himself and then the result will come out good.

Cause and Effect Essay Example

Effects of Video Game Addiction

Video game addition is a serious problem in many parts of the world today and deserves more attention. It is no secret that children and adults in many countries throughout the world, including Japan, China, and the United States, play video games every day. Most players are able to limit their usage in ways that do not interfere with their daily lives, but many others have developed an addiction to playing video games and suffer detrimental effects.

An addiction can be described in several ways, but generally speaking, addictions involve unhealthy attractions to substances or activities that ultimately disrupt the ability of a person to keep up with regular daily responsibilities. Video game addiction typically involves playing games uncontrollably for many hours at a time—some people will play only four hours at a time while others cannot stop for over twenty-four hours. Regardless of the severity of the addiction, many of the same effects will be experienced by all.

One common effect of video game addiction is isolation and withdrawal from social experiences. Video game players often hide in their homes or in Internet cafés for days at a time—only reemerging for the most pressing tasks and necessities. The effect of this isolation can lead to a breakdown of communication skills and often a loss in socialization. While it is true that many games, especially massive multiplayer online games, involve a very real form of e-based communication and coordination with others, and these virtual interactions often result in real communities that can be healthy for the players, these communities and forms of communication rarely translate to the types of valuable social interaction that humans need to maintain typical social functioning. As a result, the social networking in these online games often gives the users the impression that they are interacting socially, while their true social lives and personal relations may suffer.

Another unfortunate product of the isolation that often accompanies video game addiction is the disruption of the user’s career. While many players manage to enjoy video games and still hold their jobs without problems, others experience challenges at their workplace. Some may only experience warnings or demerits as a result of poorer performance, or others may end up losing their jobs altogether. Playing video games for extended periods of time often involves sleep deprivation, and this tends to carry over to the workplace, reducing production and causing habitual tardiness.

Gambling Cause And Effect Essays

Video game addiction may result in a decline in overall health and hygiene. Players who interact with video games for such significant amounts of time can go an entire day without eating and even longer without basic hygiene tasks, such as using the restroom or bathing. The effects of this behavior pose significant danger to their overall health.

Cause And Effect Of Gambling Essay

The causes of video game addiction are complex and can vary greatly, but the effects have the potential to be severe. Playing video games can and should be a fun activity for all to enjoy. But just like everything else, the amount of time one spends playing video games needs to be balanced with personal and social responsibilities.

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