General John J. Blackjack Pershing

The recent decision to turn Pershing Park, near the White House, into a National World War I Memorial has re-focused attention on the commander of the American Expeditionary Force (A.E.F.)-General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing. The man himself had a wide and varied career even before the War. General John 'Black Jack' Pershing. The foremost military leader of his time, John J. 'Black Jack' Pershing (1860-1948) served the United States in the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, the Philippines, the Mexican Intervention, and the First World War. Pershing's leadership, organizational skills, and dedication to his missions, his men. John Pershing graduated in 1886 from West Point having been elected First Captain of the Corps of Cadets, the highest possible rank. Pershing departed the Missouri school for the United States Military Academy solely because West Point offered a free education. “But John, you’re not going into the army, are you?” his mother asked. If there is a military stereotype in United States history, it must closely resemble the public impression of John J. Pershing, who was accorded the highest possible rank—General of the Armies—after commanding the American Expeditionary Force during World War I. “Brass hat” was written all over him: the jutting jaw, the cold, direct gaze, the bluntly authoritarian manner, the stiff.

Welcome to the John J. Pershing website where you will discover many historical events and the reasons his legacy is so special. How did the General get the nickname 'Blackjack'? Were Ernest Hemingway and Walt Disney really WWI ambulance drivers? What did Pershing do at San Juan Hill? Did Pancho Villa really get away? How did Pershing build a 2.7 million man army and defeat the Central Powers ending the Great War in 19 months? How was the General promoted to 6 Star General? It's all here and documented as 100% historically correct, so start exploring our website and have some fun! Located midway between Hannibal and St Joseph, on US 36 is Laclede, Missouri home to the Pershing Park Memorial Association (PPMA) and the Pershing Boyhood Home State Park, a State and National historic site.

You are also invited to check out our Facebook page where all the current events are updated and donations can be made. The PPMA is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.

If you would like to donate to the Pershing Museum fund checks can be sent to the Pershing Memorial Museum Development Fund, 900 Pershing Drive, Laclede., MO 64651.

General John J. Blackjack Pershing

General John J. Blackjack Pershing Ii

General John J. Blackjack Pershingpershing

PPMA doings 4-6-17

General John J. Blackjack Pershing Las Vegas

Several board members had a great life experience at the WWI Centennial at the WWI Museum in Kansas City. The show was about the United States during the years leading up to our entry into WWI on April 6. 1917 one hundred years ago. We were the guests of Susan Menenga the WWI Centennial Commission Coordinator at the Pritzker Museum in Chicago. Five guests from Linn County's Pershing Park Memorial Association; Gail Turner, Jane Milford, Allison Ehrich, Jerry Dale and Rick Scruggs . We all got to sit in the VIP section of the event right up front. Highlights included the entry flight of the French Patrouille de France, aerobatic demonstration team of the French Air Force. The 1st Infantry Division Band Fort Riley, Kansas, played a melody that was simply outstanding. The Color Guard dressed in WWI uniforms also posted the colors. The story unfolded with narrators and visual back-ups on the two wide screen displays. It ended with Woodrow Wilson's agonizing decision to declare war on the German Austro-Hungarian Empire and our entry into WWI. The show ended with a thunderous 21 Gun Salute the shook downtown Kansas City followed by a B2 from Whiteman AFB flyover that was as quite as a mouse! Here are a few pics.

General John J. Blackjack Pershing

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